Performance Testing
At Attack Sports we offer performance testing both on and off the ice. The benefits of conducting performance evaluations allow coaches, evaluators, and associations to obtain a complete and valid assessment of their athletes.
On-Ice Skating Evaluations
On-Ice Athlete Performance Testing for Teams
Athlete Performance Testing
Agility Tests
Reaction Tests
Performance Evaluations place an emphasis on sport-specific skills, including the skating economy. Testing should be valid, reliable, practical, and time-efficient -- all of which are a high priority when partnering with Attack Sports.
Benefits of Testing
On-Ice Evaluations
Our on-ice packages include skating with and without the puck.
Sprints -- assess speed and acceleration
Agility -- assess the ability to maintain speed with multi-directional movement
Transition -- assess agility and directional transition between forward and backward skating
We are also able to customize our testing programs. Let us know if this is something you would be interested in and we would be happy to accommodate!
Athlete Evaluations
Our packages can include sprints, shuttles, and reaction time testing for all sports. We are very flexible with our testing! If you can dream up a drill, we can time it. Let us know what you are looking for!
Why Choose Us?
At Attack Sports, we simply have more staff involved in our testing process.
Our equipment is state of the art and utilized by many different professional sporting organizations including CCM Product Development, .
We use evidence-based research and information to best benefit our partners. Our methods are backed by peer-reviewed research in the strength and conditioning and athletic performance communities.
Contact Us
To learn about the packages we offer or to receive more information about our testing methods and why we do what we do, please contact us!